How we combat the Post-Christmas Blues at our house!
When we start putting away the Christmas decorations, the house always feels a little bare and the dullness of winter seems to loom over.
Yesterday, after Mass my 7 year old son asked me excitedly “Mom, what party is it today?”
“We don’t have a party today hun?”
“No, I mean what special thing is on the Church Calendar???”
“Oh, you mean Feast! Today’s the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord”
He turned on Formed and typed it all in to search it. And discovered that instead of the usual plentiful hits of Children’s programming for the recents feasts - Our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Nicholas, Advent, Christmas…..there was just one hit: a “dull grown up talking about the Baptism of the Lord”.
It really resonated with me. He was just as excited to learn about the Baptism of the Lord as he had been for all the Christmas and pre-Christmas hype…but the world just doesn’t seem to match his excitement.
But the Church does. It’s a FEAST after all.
So in this new calendar year, I’m challenging myself to keep ALL feasts exciting for my kids, not just the top hit ones. As we transition into Ordinary time, let’s conscientiously make sure it doesn’t turn into “bland liturgical living time”.
Here’s a list of music that’s great to sing and play during this “Ordinary” time of year, when exciting learning and faith-building can still happen every day:
- Immaculate Mary
- Salve Regina
- O Sanctissima
- The King of Love
- Be Still my Soul
- Adoro Te Devote
- God, We Praise You
- Tantum Ergo (Down in Adoration Falling)
- Jesus Loves Me
- Amazing Grace
- Holy, Holy, Holy
Happy faith learning and music making my friends!!
To get your kids playing and singing these songs , check out our Religious Song Cards 1 and Religious Song Cards 2 -

They also come included in our bundles, depending on which bundle you buy! See how they are bundled with our instrument in our Pitch Bar Collection!