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Thank you for checking out our Playful Pitch content! We hope you'll be able to envision the beauty and joys of making music through our faith.
Not everyone will be quite ready to purchase one of our musical products. And that's OK! Maybe it's not the right time, or you need just a bit more info about what we're really about and what we offer!
So, as you learn more about us, I'd love for you to join "Raising Little Saints" - a vibrant, active community of over 15,000 members. And it's for Catholic parents, grandparents, and godparents who have been called to help the little ones in their lives on their path toward Sainthood.
We share ideas, questions, strategies for parenting and raising God’s children to be the Saints they were created to be. We help each other bring Liturgical living into homes and hearts through prayer, song, Saints stories and activities, Catechism resources, and holy music suggestions and ideas.
If you're already be a part of the group, share this post with your friends & family, so that they can join and be part of the daily discussions around Raising Little Saints!
Otherwise, Click here to Join Raising Little Saints (It's free:)